Family Portraits

downtown omaha portrait studio - familiy photos by jess lightner photography

A personal photo share: downtown photography studio portraits

By jlightner / September 11, 2024

I’m slowly catching up on sharing more of the beautiful time I’ve spent shooting our dear friend “Baby Benji”. Here’s a peek at about 3 months and about 8 months – and some snuggles from mama and daddy along the way! I love capturing the beautiful … Read more

Sam and Cale - Brother and Sister family portraits at Standing Bear Lake in Omaha

A personal photo share: more people I love

By jlightner / November 3, 2023

I joked in my last post about my 5-year-old tagging along for photoshoots with friends and finding wonderful opportunities to photobomb with love. I’ve had so much fun having her along with me for a few more shoots this fall, and I am so grateful to … Read more

A personal photo share: people I love

By jlightner / August 5, 2023

I did a maternity photoshoot a couple weeks ago for one of my very best friends and my 5-year-old daughter insisted on tagging along. She understands the concept of a photoshoot quite well by now, and had fun providing entertainment for my subjects and finding opportunities … Read more

valentine's day mini sessions - valentine's day portraits for children and pets - bennington

My first and last garage studio shoot | Bennington Photographer

By jlightner / March 3, 2023

Most of my photography experience over the last 10+ years has been shooting outdoors using natural light. I love the look and simplicity of shooting in natural light, but I also find beauty in the simplicity of a neutral photography backdrop. The focus stays on the … Read more

bff photoshoot by jess lightner photography at Standing Bear Lake. Two girls running and playing.

A personal photo share: BFF photoshoot

By jlightner / March 1, 2023

A friend of mine became interested in photography a few years back, and we started doing BFF shoots with our girls. They’re a little over a year apart, so it’s been fun to watch the way they play and interact together over the years. This was … Read more

photo book made from iphone pictures - chatbooks

Documenting life with photo books and albums and framed photography

By jlightner / April 28, 2022

If you know me or have been roped into a conversation about photography with me before, you know I’m a huge advocate for printing photos in all forms – frames, albums, Valentines, you name it. I’ve always enjoyed a good photo collection. As a child, I … Read more